Emergent Wellness Care Inc.
Creative Arts Therapy & Addiction Treatment  


Emergent Wellness Care 

EWC is a nonprofit organization which provides education to the general public about the transformative power of theatrical-therapeutic expression.  
Goal #1 Increase Awareness  
Goal #2 Instill Hope
Goal #3 Drive Social Change 

Who We Are

Emergent Wellness Care Inc. was founded in 2019 by Mary Foley-Mayone, an MSW  with more than 20 years of direct service on the front lines of addiction work, along with her late husband Gary Mayone who was a professional percussionist and multi-instrumentalist.  Mary voiced seeing too many clients sentenced to prison terms because of their disease of chemical dependency.  She believed  alternative and highly structured  treatment modalities blended with theatrical-therapeutic approaches might offer these individuals a more restorative, qualitative recovery coupled with  cognitive and behavioral "restructuring-rehearsal" experiences.    EWC professionals have “lived experience” either directly or indirectly with the disease of chemical dependency and/or the destructive impact of the criminal legal system.  Our approach is as diverse as the people we serve. EWC staff understands first-hand how creative expression coupled with other forms of therapy, can be a viable tool in restoring wellness. This is the primary reason we think of ourselves as a theatrical-therapeutic company. 

Our Values

We strictly adhere to the NASW Code of Ethics: 
"All social workers should aspire to the ethical principle that social workers challenge social injustice by pursuing social change with, and on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed individuals and groups of people …. including a focus on poverty, employment and discrimination. "
Please feel free to get in touch with us. We will be happy to answer any questions about services and products.  

Contact Us

Philosophy of Care

We understand  emotional wellness is complex and sometimes requires less traditional methods to achieve  degrees of wellness.  EWC practitioners are able to work with  client-participants along a continuum of care as they help  them  manage  personal responses to past trauma and  gain new perspective. Through this new lens,  a message of hope emerges from the page to the stage and beyond! 
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